Edible Chemicals



Edible Chemicals


Citric Acid


Citric Acid is an organic acid found in oranges and limes ( Sour Lemon ). Citric Acid is used in beverage, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries and besides flavouring, it helps regulate body'd pH.


Ascorbic Acid


Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is soluble in water which by creating an acidic environment is known as a strong antioxidant. Since ascorbic acid has antioxidant and vitamin C propeties, it is widely used in food industry.


Potassium Sorbate


Potassium Sorbate is an anti-mold substance which is soluble in water to a great extent, and its application in food industry is as a preservative. One of the best

properties of this product is - as mentioned - its getting easily solved in water and also its being such a strong preservative has led to a vast application of this 

product in food industry.


Sodium Benzoate


Sodium Benzoate is a food preservative which prevents from the activity of the bacteria and fungi in an acidic environment.

This substance is mostly used in acidic foods such as salads flavourings, carbonated drinks, jams and juices, pickels, and different kinds of sauce.


Sodium Citrate


Sodium Citrate is a chemical mixture which is known as sodium salt citric acid.

This type of salt is used as buffer solution in producing carbonated drinks, acidity moderator in jams, puffer in cream, and as emulsifier in processed cheese. 




Taurine is one of the best ingredients in energy drinks industry.

Taurine is known as a soluble antioxidant in fat. Among its properties , adjusting the function of adipose tissue, reducing cholesterol, reducing blood pressure,

cell membrane stability, and detoxification can be named.




Glucuronolactone is a kind of carbohydrate made from metabolism of glucose in the liver. Glucoronolactone is a food stimulus which has got a role in many

memory improvement, concentration increase, and body refreshment.

Also, there is evidence which shows glucuronolactone can play a role in improving sports performance.




Aspartame is made of food components called " Amino Acids ". Amino Acids are a type of chemical compounds that are used by the plants and animals to 

provide the necessary protein for their existence. This substance is a kind of sweetener that is mostly used in energy drinks and some other kind of food products

and it is a substitute for sugar.


Acesulfame K


Acesulfame K is one of the sweeteners of raw materials used in various types of food with much higher power of sweetening  than sugar. It must be used with aspartame, but in a lower proportion compared to it. This sweetener was discovered in Germany many years ago and is now widely used in food and beverage industry all over the world.




Caffeine is a food stimulant that stimulates the central nervous system. Caffeine is the most popular food stimulant all around the world. Caffeine is naturally found

in food products such as coffee, tea, chocolate, and non-alcoholic cola drinks. Caffeine is a fatigue reliever. It also improves one's performance in easy mental and

physical jobs that need time and patience.

Pure caffeine is in the form of bitter white powder.